
!subject!: 江阴暑期外语培训How to manage your time?江阴学英语哪里靠谱? [!thread_print!]

作者: A江阴上元黄老师    !time!: 2024-7-29 11:59
!subject!: 江阴暑期外语培训How to manage your time?江阴学英语哪里靠谱?
1、正确的时间做正确的事情。时间管理其实就是自我管理,提高对时间的把控,将时间都合理安排,做到真正的正确的时间做正确的事情使自己的效率达到最大化(Do the right thing at the right time. In fact, time management is self-management, to improve the control of time, we will arrange the time reasonably, to do the real right time to do the right things to maximize their own efficiency);
2、养成每天开列工作计划、每晚写工作总结的习惯,培养自己的觉察能力(Develop the habit of making work plans every day and writing work summary every night, and cultivate their own awareness ability);
3、把每天的工作分好类,第一类是挑战性高、优先级高的工作,这类是必须要完成的,而且也是留出的时间比较多的,第二类是每天必须要做,但是不费脑子的工作,只列在工作计划里,但不确定时间;第一类是每日每毕,第二类可以允许有延迟,这样会让自己变得自律且时间也比较有弹性(The daily work, the first type is challenging and high priority work, this must be done, and set more time, the second type is to do every day, but not, only in the work plan, but uncertain time; the first type is daily, the second type can allow delay, which become disciplined and more flexible time);
4、每天不要把自己安排的满满当当,要留出来独处和思考的时间(Don't fill yourself every day, but leave time for solitude and thinking)。

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(打印:@2024-9-19 10:08)